E-Verify for Federal Contractors Delayed (once again) until June 30th

The federal government is once again delaying the effective date of the E-Verify requirement for federal contractors, which mandates E-Verify use for all new hires as well as existing employees who will directly perform work under a covered federal contract. The new effective date of the rule will be June 30, 2009.

The federal contractor E-Verify rule was originally scheduled to take effect on January 15, 2009, but the implementation has now been postponed three times due in part to the ongoing federal lawsuit filed by business groups as well as the transition between presidential administrations.

This third “extension” of the E-Verify federal contractor requirement will be welcome news to some employers, as it affords them additional time to develop appropriate policies and procedures and properly evaluate an electronic I-9 and E-Verify solution. Employers are encouraged to request a free E-Verify and Form I-9 HR Toolkit from Tracker I-9 to help prepare for the eventual implementation of this rule.